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November 9, 2021 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Jo McAndrews
Children and eco-anxiety : a call to action - a 90 minute online seminar. @ Online

Free online seminar by our friend Jo McAndrews:

Whether our children become resilient or traumatised in the face of the climate crisis entirely depends on the support they have from adults around them.

This 90 minute online seminar will show you what can be done to help in simple practical ways you can begin today.

“In my experience children bear the emotional burden of climate change much more courageously than adults, but we owe it to them to share it. We all need to do more to listen to young people when they talk about climate change. Through their experiences we’ll all learn more about how we should take responsibility for the mess, apologise and start to act.”

Caroline Hickman – Researcher and Author, University of Bath

responding with wisdom

Calling all adults

Climate and ecological anxiety is an increasingly urgent pandemic impacting the lives of children and young people all around the world. Children in this ‘climate generation’ are being burdened with knowledge of extreme disruption and are wondering where all the adults are. Parents and educators know that we are needed and are stepping up to understand what they are going through and how to help.

Climate science is showing that this generation of children and young people will be facing unprecedented and unimaginable change and disruption in their lifetimes. It is an emergency and yet so many adults in power are not acting effectively. Many young people are feeling betrayed, terrified, confused and furious. Yet they are living in cultures that do not know what to do with those painful feelings. Families and schools are also experiencing stress and it is hard to find resilience.

These young people deserve better from the adults around them. They need strong support to face what is happening. We adults can learn the skills to become allies and we invite you to join us in stepping up together to create meaningful change.

Children and eco-anxiety : a call to action

A 90 minute online seminar with Jo McAndrews

9th November 7.30 – 9pm


This webinar is for all adults who care for and about children and who would like to understand what eco-anxiety is, how it impacts young people and how they can help.

Parents, youth workers, educators, foster carers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, mentors, mental health professionals…anyone who cares about the wellbeing of children and young people, this is for you.

Whether you are already aware of climate change or just starting to engage with it you are welcome.


We will cover current research and practical strategies for understanding and responding to climate and ecological anxiety in children and young people. Delivered with warmth and compassion and a deep understanding of how very challenging it is to do this work.

  • what is ‘eco-anxiety’ and what causes it

  • what does eco-anxiety look like in children and how to spot it

  • how to respond to a child’s distress over what is happening in the world

  • three stories to understand these times

  • a trauma informed approach to growing resilience

  • six steps you can take to support the children in your life in the face of climate change.

‘We cannot protect children from the impact of climate change, but we can protect them from being alone with it’

Climate psychology and neurobiology offer insights about the powerful role of emotions in growing resilience. We will learn how to stand alongside our young people to protect them from being alone with what they know. You can make a significant difference, empower yourself and your children and you are not alone in this work. Join a growing movement of informed, aware and active parents and educators.

We want this work to reach and support as many people as possible. Please do what you can to share the message, bring your parents, cousins, colleagues and friends, we are all needed. Thank you!

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