A group of inspiring West Oxforders from the West Oxford Naturehood Group have been out in lockdown getting hands-on with the nasty litter in our local green spaces.
In March, the group collected bags from King George’s Field, the DFS delivery entrance, Willow Walk and North Hinksey Causeway.
This month, LCWO bought some kit to support these efforts – a set of litter pickers and bag hoops – and these can be borrowed from where they are kept on Duke Street by prior arrangement via mim@lcwo.org.uk.
Join the pickers!
The group will be continuing to meet to pick litter as Covid restrictions ease, so check our calendar for the next opportunity to join them (or little pick similtaneously in your road/green spot).
Pledge to protect your local area with plasticbusters.org
A couple of the team have signed up to keep a specific area plastic-free via Plastic Buster’s Adopt the World. Wouldn’t it be cool to have West Oxford completely covered in plastic busters?
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